Saturday, October 3, 2009

Develops & Changes in Poker

Poker boom in recent years is a fact, although I realize that it isn't the same game as it used to be. All because of the evolution of the poker and its strategy. What has changed then?

The aggression of the players has increased for sure. A few years ago the main element of the game was the position and an accurate selection of the cards. It was very boring way of playing poker, called Harrington on Holdem. Playing tight was a standard back then. The hand bet before the flop was obvious. It had to be AA or KK. Other hands, such as 3 and 8 were not played at all.

The key of the good game was a proper hand selection. Only then the rakeback poker player was able to succeed. They used to play very high ranked hands, such as AK, AQ, AJ perhaps if the position was right. Today even T-9 can be raised and nobody is surprised. The players play their hands more aggressively as no matter what cards you hold, but the way you play them.

The level of poker increased significantly. Players these days are better educated thanks to the poker schools, poker articles, rakeback poker strategy. All available online when you want it. It is very rare to meet the player who would call an obvious high hand with the low rated cards. It is not as it used to be when the looser was playing till the end throwing his all money away and with no chance to win.

Poker players want to develop their poker skills by education and practice. They play ridiculous number of hands on multiple tables. They value the speed of the game, which became more dynamic and more interesting as there is much more factors involved. One of them is psychology. Knowing what the opponent might think in a particular poker situation is the key. There are players who can read others, seeing every tell the player might reveal.

If the player notice that his opponent is afraid of raising the pot it becomes straight forward with the next turn, accordingly to one of the poker tips about playing a player. Even a good hand because of the player’s weakness can be fold. The aggressive players often raise a bet to make his rival fold. This is why poker players make notes about their opponents as it might be very useful for the future meetings.

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