Saturday, October 3, 2009

History of poker

Poker is the most popular card game at the moment. There are plenty of types of that game. Wide range of rakeback poker skills used during the game mathematical, analytical, psychological, a bit of actor skills and many others make the professional tourneys a real show. Even poker players can be considered as celebrities.

The other thing making poker so popular are outrageous winnings. Chris Moneymaker made $2,5 millions from the only $40 buy-in to the qualifier in 2003. Jamie Gold for example made $12 millions.

The history of that game is the subject of many hypothetical stands. Poker as a word was used for the first time in 1829 in Joe Cowells book: "Diary of 20-30 Years Spent in America as an Actor". One of the theories says that the cheating game was the first documented version of poker.

20 - card poker arrived to the US with French. There was an element characteristic for betting in French version called Poque. I guess from that name has been created an Americanism, which is: poker. The exchanging cards element was added later from the English game called Brag. Poker is a fusion of that two games then.

Seven the best players joined the first edition of the World Series of Poker in 1970 organized by Benny Binion. They are already poker legends: Amarillo Slim Preston, Brian "Sailor" Roberts, Doyle "Texas Dolly" Brunson, Walter "Puggy" Pearson, Crandell Addington, Carl Canzon i Johnny Moss.

Early 90's XX century is another period of : rakeback poker - online this time. The first poker room was opened by Planet Poker in 1998 and one year later by Party Poker. At the moment there is over 600 websites offering poker online games from Omaha, 5 card 7 card stud by Texas Hold’em.

Poker was always a field typical for the Americans, however European players are getting better. Especially young ones became a real threat to the poker legends. More and more online players take a part in European and World Series of Poker and they win an entire tourney.

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Develops & Changes in Poker

Poker boom in recent years is a fact, although I realize that it isn't the same game as it used to be. All because of the evolution of the poker and its strategy. What has changed then?

The aggression of the players has increased for sure. A few years ago the main element of the game was the position and an accurate selection of the cards. It was very boring way of playing poker, called Harrington on Holdem. Playing tight was a standard back then. The hand bet before the flop was obvious. It had to be AA or KK. Other hands, such as 3 and 8 were not played at all.

The key of the good game was a proper hand selection. Only then the rakeback poker player was able to succeed. They used to play very high ranked hands, such as AK, AQ, AJ perhaps if the position was right. Today even T-9 can be raised and nobody is surprised. The players play their hands more aggressively as no matter what cards you hold, but the way you play them.

The level of poker increased significantly. Players these days are better educated thanks to the poker schools, poker articles, rakeback poker strategy. All available online when you want it. It is very rare to meet the player who would call an obvious high hand with the low rated cards. It is not as it used to be when the looser was playing till the end throwing his all money away and with no chance to win.

Poker players want to develop their poker skills by education and practice. They play ridiculous number of hands on multiple tables. They value the speed of the game, which became more dynamic and more interesting as there is much more factors involved. One of them is psychology. Knowing what the opponent might think in a particular poker situation is the key. There are players who can read others, seeing every tell the player might reveal.

If the player notice that his opponent is afraid of raising the pot it becomes straight forward with the next turn, accordingly to one of the poker tips about playing a player. Even a good hand because of the player’s weakness can be fold. The aggressive players often raise a bet to make his rival fold. This is why poker players make notes about their opponents as it might be very useful for the future meetings.

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The online poker as an investment in yourself

Like it is in some other realms of life, the art of being a winner in online poker is governed by rules on its own. Interestingly, online poker is governed by rules which are universal in many facets of life and have become an epitome of the so-called people of success. It is interesting that the strategies which make up a successful rakeback player are quite similar to the strategies used by qualified stock exchange investors.

It is valid both for poker and investment that a successful player has to have a viable strategy beforehand he or she enters into the game of poker gambling or investment.
One must figure out the worth of the game or literally how much he or she is ready to loose or gain. The most important thing at this point is discipline. It is not right to cross the borders you've once set as this bad habit may lead you to sound losses. Similarly an investor always draws up a plan of what is to be done if an investment has started to loose him money and what is the best point to quit.

Another important thing is the level of our psychological endurance-only those would succeed who keep their emotions on a leash. Very often it is a stupidity to panic and withdraw too early as it could be to play in an overoptimistic manner. This is a wisdom that is a basis for a qualified stock exchange broker as well.

Least but not last as an old proverb says there is not a big loss without a small gain. Similarly, a lost game (or for an investor a failed investment) will force you to focus on your way of playing in order to avoid the same mistakes in the future.

Maybe a good online rakeback poker player will make a good stock exchange investor and vice versa. the good news here is that more and more poker affiliates are networking with Forex and share investment platforms. Some of these platforms, motivated by the success of online poker casinos offer free bonuses to start your adventure as an investor.

As we can see online poker playing has the power to developing some positive abilities in us which can be then utilized in the game of real life.
The fact is that the benefits of playing online poker might really change your personality and life for the better.

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