Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Usefulness Of Bodog Rakeback Poker

Poker is a game that I never really got to grips with until recently. I learned the rules and betted according to my hand, but I never really got the hang of bluffing, and always found myself losing money. I think it is fair to say that I was the fish.

Then I started to play online, and somehow, I found that I did have a knack for poker. I started playing free tables, where I did not have to bet any money, and soon found myself waging a little of my hard earned cash. This was enthralling, especially when I had my first big win.

It was some disappointment that I learned of the rakeback poker. This is the percentage of the pot that goes to the house. This is how they make there money. It can be high in some cases.
Anyway, I soon learned that some sites gave little in the way of jackpots and bonuses, and when you factor in the rake, well that just made the whole experience seem very disappointing, especially if you feel you have played well.

Then I found a site called a rakeback site. A rakeback site is a poker site that gives you some of the rake back on each hand. Hence the name - rakeback. I began to look for more and more rakeback websites to play rakeback poker. These too, had there share of disappointing jackpots and bonuses, so though you were getting a percentage of the rake back in your pocket, the disappointing jackpots and bonuses felt more like a trade off than a bonus.

Rakeback poker sites are out there but you have to know which ones are worth playing in, and which ones are not. The ones that are will offer good jackpots as well as bonuses, and all in all are well worth staking your hard earned cash for a chance to win more. The ones that are not just feel a little flat, and lifeless. The best way to play these sites is to avoid them or practice your skills on free tables. There is not much point winning that big hand only to find the jackpot was not worth the effort and barely covers your stake money. Best to look elsewhere in this case.

The trouble is that you can spend all night looking for a good rakeback poker website, only to find the night is over before you have seen a single card.

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